Perspective is Everything
Time to Address the Elephant in the Room...
Remember the ancient adage? Three blind wise men, each touching a different part of an elephant - the tail, the trunk, the leg; each claiming to know just what an elephant “is” with copious amounts of bravado, as if one person could really know it all.
Yet it’s only when you combine their perspectives that they truly see the whole picture and realize how important it is to leverage a variety of trusted sources, experiences, and wisdom. Cybersecurity consulting is no different, and eclectech.systems is a testament to this philosophy.
In an evolving digital landscape driven by Moore's Law no single company, no matter how large, can truly be an "expert" on all subject matter. You need specialization & collaboration to stay frosty and ensure your cybersecurity program is ready for tomorrow's challenges.
Too often cybersecurity firms claim to be experts at everything. Ultimately you find out it's just the blind leading the blind.
"It takes a village to secure a network"

Cybersecurity is an Ecosystem
eclectech.systems, inc. is a vision to create a cyber security consortium comprised of an eclectic group of cybersecurity systems experts from across the value chain.
Experience the Force Multiplier
Our consortium members believe in the power of the village to ensure your business is safe and secure in an evolving digital threat landscape.
We've Assembled a Village of Experts
Whether you need compliance assessors, vCISO’s, HR specialists, managed security service providers, technical testing, or e-discovery & digital forensics, eclectech.systems aims to bring them all under a single banner.